Expose - определение. Что такое Expose
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Что (кто) такое Expose - определение

Exposé; Expose (disambiguation); Exposed (program); Exposed (TV series); Exposed; EXPOSÉ; Expose (album); Exposed (album); Exposé (disambiguation); Exposed (film); The Exposed
Найдено результатов: 51
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
(exposes, exposing, exposed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
To expose something that is usually hidden means to uncover it so that it can be seen.
Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea...
...the exposed brickwork.
VERB: V n, V-ed
To expose a person or situation means to reveal that they are bad or immoral in some way.
The Budget does expose the lies ministers were telling a year ago...
He has simply been exposed as an adulterer and a fool.
VERB: V n, be V-ed as n/adj, also V n as n/adj
If someone is exposed to something dangerous or unpleasant, they are put in a situation in which it might affect them.
They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations...
A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.
...people exposed to high levels of radiation.
VERB: be V-ed to n, V n to n, V-ed
If someone is exposed to an idea or feeling, usually a new one, they are given experience of it, or introduced to it.
...local people who've not been exposed to glimpses of Western life before...
These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue.
VERB: be V-ed to n, V n to n
A man who exposes himself shows people his genitals in a public place, usually because he is mentally or emotionally disturbed.
Smith admitted indecently exposing himself on Wimbledon Common.
VERB: V pron-refl
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
v. (D; refl., tr.) to expose to (to expose smb. to danger; exposed to the elements)
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
An expose is a film or piece of writing which reveals the truth about a situation or person, especially something involving shocking facts.
The movie is an expose of prison conditions in the South.
N-COUNT: oft N of n
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
·vt A formal recital or exposition of facts; exposure, or revelation, of something which some one wished to keep concealed.
II. Expose ·vt To disclose the faults or reprehensible practices of; to lay open to general condemnation or contempt by making public the character or arts of; as, to expose a cheat, liar, or hypocrite.
III. Expose ·vt To set forth; to set out to public view; to Exhibit; to Show; to Display; as, to expose goods for sale; to expose pictures to public inspection.
IV. Expose ·vt To deprive of concealment; to Discover; to lay open to public inspection, or bring to public notice, as a thing that shuns publicity, something criminal, shameful, or the like; as, to expose the faults of a neighbor.
V. Expose ·vt To lay bare; to lay open to attack, danger, or anything objectionable; to render accessible to anything which may affect, especially detrimentally; to make liable; as, to expose one's self to the heat of the sun, or to cold, insult, danger, or ridicule; to expose an army to destruction or defeat.
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')

Expose, exposé, or exposed may refer to:

  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
v. a.
Uncover, bare, make bare.
Disclose, detect, descry, lay open, show up, bring to light.
Unmask, denounce, show up, strip of disguises or concealments, show in one's real light.
Subject, make liable.
Endanger, jeopardize, put in danger, put in peril.
[Said of infants.] Leave out, abandon, leave in a solitary place, abandon to the perils of solitude.
Exhibit, set in view, put in a conspicuous place.
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
EXPOSE is a multi-user facility mounted outside the International Space Station (ISS) dedicated to astrobiology. EXPOSE was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) for long-term spaceflights and was designed to allow exposure of chemical and biological samples to outer space while recording data during exposure.
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
¦ verb
1. make (something) visible by uncovering it.
(expose oneself) publicly and indecently display one's genitals.
2. (often expose someone to) subject to possible harm or risk.
leave (a child) in the open to die.
3. (expose someone to) introduce someone to (a subject).
4. reveal the true, objectionable nature of.
5. [as adjective exposed] unprotected from the weather.
6. subject (photographic film) to light.
exposer noun
ME: from OFr. exposer, from L. exponere (see expound), but influenced by L. expositus 'put or set out' and OFr. poser 'to place'.
  • ''[[Acarospora]]''
  • Ultraviolet radiation harm the [[DNA]] molecules of living organisms in different ways. In one common damage event, adjacent [[thymine]] bases bond with each other, instead of across the "ladder". This "[[thymine dimer]]" makes a bulge, and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly.
  • Cosmonaut Dmitriy Kondratyev inspects EXPOSE-R after exposure to outer space and prepares it for return to Earth
  • Types of [[ionizing radiation]] - gamma rays are represented by wavy lines, charged particles and neutrons by straight lines. The small circles show where ionization processes occur.
  • Tobacco seeds (''[[Nicotiana tabacum]]'')
[?k'sp??ze?, ?k-]
¦ noun a report in the media that reveals something discreditable.
C19: from Fr., past participle of exposer (see expose).
Exposé (Paul Murphy and Larry Willis album)         
Exposé is an album by drummer Paul Murphy and pianist Larry Willis. It was released by Murphy Records in 2008.



Expose, exposé, or exposed may refer to: